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Monday, May 31, 2010

The Hangover

Drinking More Alcohol, aka Hair of the Dog: This is quite likely the most heavily toted hangover cure in the boozin'-recovery handbook. Unfortunately it's completely ineffective. Drinking when you're suffering from a hangover makes you—temporarily!—feel better simply because alcohol dulls your senses. You could just as easily prescribe a double-shot of Tequila as a "remedy" for bashing your thumb with a hammer.

You might achieve temporary relief from your hangover—if it works at all—but you'll just prolong the agony. Your body has to process all the toxins you spent all night shoving in it (delicious or not, alcohol is no wheat-grass smoothie when it comes to being body-friendly), and giving it more just extends the timetable.


  1. I completely way to get over a hangover is to drink Vita coco. Coconut water is great for re-hydrating your body after a long night. drinking more alcohol does nothing but make things worse in the long term.

  2. Vita Coco has cured many a hangover of mine! It so healthy for you and tastes great! I love how much energy it gives me.
